B & M Pilot Car Service, LLC
15+ Years in Oversize. Our team escorts oversized trucks
and large loads safely while on the road
Pilot Car & Escort
High Pole Services
Nationwide Transport
Lead/Chase Pilot Cars
Equipment Escorts
Custom Tailored Pricing

Family Owned, Operated
Serving the 48 Contiguous States
We take pride in being the most reliable heavy load escort and pilot car service. Our expert team will arrange top notch escorts to guide your load safely. There is no load too big for our experienced team. Get transparent pricing and great service today.
Trusted & Experienced
Incredible track record and results, years of experience.
No Contracts
No bull, straightforward service. No contracts.
Reliable & Fully Insured
No shortcuts, only great results from a pro team.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
5 star service and satisfaction guarantees end results.

4.9 Star Avg. Google Review
Contact us
What is a pilot/escort car?
A pilot car is generally a person contracted to work with the truck driver to move the over-dimensional load from point of origin to destination safely. Two-way communication is used to notify the truck driver of any potential obstacles, while the flags and light bar alert other drivers on the road that a large load is near.
Do I need a pilot car?
If the load you are hauling is over-dimensional, you will likely need one or more pilot cars. Each state has different requirements and those requirements determine how many pilot cars are needed. The permit you obtain from each state will say if, and how many, pilot cars are required for that specific load.
How do I become a pilot car?
You must be 18 years of age or older. Some states require you to obtain a special certification. Some escort/pilot car company’s have vehicles that they hire drivers for, or you can start your own business. Keep in mind that starting your own requires additional time and finances. So if you’re wanting a quick start, you may want to work for another company to begin with.
What is the purpose of a high pole?
A high pole is used to measure the height of objects along the route. When a load is tall there is a risk of hitting bridges, tree limbs, power and telephone lines, etc. The high pole is attached to the pilot car that runs in front of the load and is measured to stand a little taller than the load itself. The pilot car watches the tip to see if it touches anything. They stay out far enough to alert the truck driver if they do hit something so the driver has time to safely move over or stop.
What times can we drive ?
Each state has their own regulations for times of movement. The best way to know for sure is to look at your permit for that state. If you do not have a permit yet, it should be listed on that state’s DOT website.
Do pilot cars make a lot of money?
There are peak times throughout the year that more oversize loads are being moved. During those periods, more money is able to be made. However, there are slow times as well, so it evens out. To us, the value of being a pilot car relates more to the flexibility in our schedule, quality time with each other and seeing the country.
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